Content Strategy Services

** Comprehensive Content Strategy Services **

Unlock the potential of your content with my robust content strategy services. My offerings are designed to enhance your online presence and boost your search engine rankings.

SEO Optimization

I provide SEO optimization services aimed at making your website more visible to your target audience. This involves optimizing your website's content and structure to improve its ranking on search engine results pages.

Keyword Analysis and Planning

My keyword analysis and planning services involve identifying and analyzing the best keywords for your website. This is a strategic process that aims to increase your website's visibility and attract more targeted traffic.

Content Planning

I offer content planning services to help you create a strategic content calendar. This involves identifying the best topics, formats, and scheduling for your content to keep your audience engaged and coming back for more.

Content Writing

As part of my content strategy services, I also provide content writing services. I create high-quality, SEO-optimized content tailored to your target audience.


For a comprehensive initial analysis, I charge $1200. This involves a thorough examination of your current content strategy and recommendations for improvement.

For ongoing strategy and content creation, my fee is $5000. This includes the creation of 8 SEO-optimized articles per month. Each article is over 2000 words long and is tailored to your audience and business goals.

Thank you for considering my services. If you have any questions or would like to get started, please contact me.

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